Bianca is a young goth woman obsessed with the occult. She prepares her basement space with a pentagram and salt circle, ready to perform a summoning ritual. Candles flicker ominously as Bianca presents a found medallion she believes holds the key to dark power and whispers repeated phrases to imbue the object with power. She places the medallion in the center of the pentagram, ready to summon spirits. However, before she can progress too far into the ritual the basement lights turn on and Bianca is interrupted by her sister Grace. She is a non-believer and dismisses Bianca’s supernatural beliefs as nonsense. They argue briefly as Bianca tells about where she found the new jewelry, then Grace retreats from the ritual upstairs without offering any help.
Once Bianca resumes the ritual and starts over, the room becomes increasingly eerie. The candles flicker and go out while a dark presence fills the air. While Bianca is waiting for the summoning ritual to work, the medallion chain slowly tightens around her throat until it is constricting her airflow. She claws at the chain in desperation, but an unseen force has taken control and pulls hard. Bianca struggles with all her strength, her eyes going wide and mouth opening in terror. She fights against the force while on her knees until the evil spirit pulls her up on to her feet. She kicks her legs out and moves around in a circle trying to escape the demonic force crushing her neck. The malevolent spirit pulls the chain tighter and tighter while Bianca is unable to catch a breath. She goes cross-eyed from the intense pressure and some drool escapes from her lips. She gasps and gurgles while the demonic force continues to strangle her with the chain around her throat. Bianca grows weak and collapses to her knees from all the pressure. The demonic force keeps pulling hard on the chain around her throat until Bianca’s life fades away and the demon finishes her off with a sickening crack, snapping her neck and ensuring her destruction. Bianca’s lifeless body slumps to the floor and the spirit enters to take full control. Her body convulses on the ground repeatedly until it jitters back to life, now possessed.
Meanwhile, Grace is upstairs in her bedroom working on studying for her school final, laying on her bed with her feet kicked up while she takes notes from the textbook. She hears strange noises from the hallway and begrudgingly goes to investigate. When Grace enters the basement she sees her sister Bianca’s lifeless body sprawled out on the floor clutching the cursed medallion. Grace rushes towards her sister and shakes the body pleading for her to wake up. To Grace’s horror, Bianca’s eyes snap open revealing an evil possessed version of her sister. The medallion dangles from Bianca’s hand as she corners Grace against the wall and declares herself a vessel of darkness.
While Grace is still comprehending the situation Bianca attacks her with unnatural strength. Using one hand to choke Grace against the wall and smiling evilly as her sister loses her breath. Grace struggles and her eyes roll back, but she is no match for Bianca’s malevolent power. The possessed sister throat lifts Grace into the air, holding her up while her feet dangle and kick out from under her. Bianca lifts Grace off the ground while the weaker sister can do nothing but submit to the intense pressure. Bianca tosses Grace to the floor, continuing her vicious assault by wrapping the medallion’s chain around Grace’s neck and pulling it tight. Grace arches back, slapping at her possessed sister attacking from behind. Clutching at the medallion chain in order to catch a breath, but the demonic force is too powerful for her. Her feet kick out from under her and Grace ends up face down on the floor struggling while her evil sister smiles in delight at the attack. After a final desperate struggle Grace succumbs to the strangulation. Her body twitches many times while the fight is gone, then eventually goes completely limp. Bianca leans over her sister’s lifeless body, savoring the moment as the last breath escapes Graces lips.
With both sisters now dead and their souls claimed, the demonic entity is free to leave the body of the possessed Bianca. It declares their power grows stronger with each soul consumed, then returns the medallion to the pentagram and departs from this plane of existence. Bianca collapses on the floor beside her sister, both of their expressions frozen in a death stare.