Mila and Sasha are two thrill-seeking vloggers who sneak into an abandoned house rumored to be haunted by the spirit of a serial killer who murdered twelve women before being caught by his wife—who he then strangled before taking his own life. Sasha is hesitant and freaked out but Mila is eager for internet fame. While Sasha brings up potential ramifications of the fact they are breaking into an abandoned house, Mila insists they conduct a séance for their livestream audience. Mila eggs her frightened friend onward and explores the home and its basement.
In the basement, Mila sets up a spiritual board and candlelight while dismissing Sasha’s unease. Mila instructs Sasha how to perform the seance while they each hold their hands on the board. As they begin, the planchette moves eerily on its own, answering their simple questions. Sasha is freaked out and wants to end it, but Mila knows they could go viral with this kind of video and gets her friend to continue with a few more questions. Mila asks for the name of someone killed in this house, and the spirit board spells out Sasha’s full name. Sasha panics and accuses Mila of faking it but Mila, now unable to remove her hand from the board, realizes something more sinister is at play. Suddenly, Mila’s eyes roll back, her body convulses, and she freezes. When she snaps back, an unnatural grin spreads across her face—she is no longer in control.
Without warning, the possessed Mila attacks, wrapping Sasha’s hoodie strings around her throat. Sasha fights back, pleading for her friend to resist the entity’s control but the unnaturally strong overpowers her. Sasha is pushed up against the wall and struggles hard against her possessed friend. Eyes rolling and face going wide with the pressure from her hoodie strings taught around her throat. Sasha kicks and scratches at her possessed friend, trying to catch a breath and get free but she can do little to resist the supernatural force crushing her throat. The possessed Mila pulls up hard on the hoodie strings and lifts Sasha to her tiptoes. The livestream transmits the whole struggle while Mila ruthlessly attacks Sasha. Her legs give out from under her and Sasha collapses to the floor while Mila holds on tightly, grinning from ear to ear. Sasha’s eyes roll back from the pressure as Mila takes the hood from the hoodie and wraps it tightly around Sasha’s neck, cutting off her airways even further. Sasha’s feet kick and slide against the floor while Mila holds on tightly, keeping the pressure constantly tight. Sasha’s eyes roll back, her feet kick out, and her hands fall back to the floor. She no longer has the power to resist. Twitches and spasms run through her body while Mila keeps holding tight to the pink hood around Sasha’s neck. Eventually the life leaves Sasha’s body and Mila savors her final breath. To finish it off she looks at the fresh bruise left from the strings and hoodie, the lifts Sasha up partway and snaps her neck.
Mila collapses in a daze. When she regains awareness, she is horrified to find Sasha lifeless on the floor. Her eye frozen in a stare and her mouth hanging open. Mila desperately shakes her, begging her to wake up, sobbing at the horrible thing her body has done without her control. Mila holds on tight wishing Sasha to return—only for Sasha’s body to suddenly vanish in her arms. Confused and terrified, Mila frantically searches for her friend, but the basement is empty. She checks out the footage from her livestream camera only to see Sasha standing behind her—bruised, twisted, and smiling eerily. Before Mila can react the possessed Sasha yanks Mila’s scarf tight around her throat. Mila struggles violently, clawing at the scarf and pleading for mercy, but Sasha’s grip is unrelenting.
The scarf is pulled tightly around Mila’s neck while her possessed friend smiles and laughs at her struggles. Mila tries to pull away and escape the grasp but the demonic friend is too powerful and holds on tightly. While Mila pulls forward, Sasha pulls her back and soon they both fall back onto the couch. Sasha holds tighter to the scarf while Mila gasps and gags from the intense pressure. Mila’s shoes fly off and her feet kick up in the air while she struggles against the killing force. She gasps desperately for air but the pressure is too tight and she can’t catch a breath. Her feet slide against the floor while her hands claw at the scarf. Mila’s eyes roll from the intense pressure and she pushes away at her smiling friend. Mila gradually loses her fight as her eyes cross and her tongue sticks out. One hand falls back against the couch unable to lift any more, while the other hand remains lodged in the scarf trying to wrench herself free. As Mila’s strength fades, her desperate kicks slow, and her breath turns to ragged gasps. With one final pull, she goes still, lifeless on the couch with her eyes frozen open.
As Sasha’s possession ends, she collapses beside Mila, both bodies eerily frozen in death. The livestream continues to transmit, capturing the spirit board’s planchette moving erratically until it lands on a single word—GOODBYE.